
DIY Fabric Pom Poms Complete!

I have already posted a tutorial on these lovely ladies, but I finally got around to finishing the rest of them these week and thought I should share a picture. They will be hanging above the gift table at the baby shower this weekend and will then find their permanent home above the changing table in Baby Harper's nursery:)

Aren't they cute?!

Find the tutorial here.

DIY Felt Flower Wreath

Want to see the easiest DIY project I have ever completed?!?! 

Well, here was my inspiration photo that I found on pinterest...

(It looks a little better than mine, but I'll get over it!)

And here is how mine turned out (the pictures are really crappy but I promise I will change them once I get batteries for my camera!)

Ta daaaa! It literally took me 30 minutes, which made it the easiest DIY project I have ever completed:)

I didn't take pictures along the way so I hesitate to call this a tutorial, but it is so simple that you really don't even need step by step instructions.


- Felt, in whatever colors you want
- Fake flowers if you want to add them (I used tulips)
- Scissors 
- Glue gun

Step 1: 

Start out by cutting your felt into different sized squares (because they come in rectangles and you eventually need circles, it works best to squares so you can then cut circles).
Round off the edges of the squares to make circles.

Step 2:

Cut in a spiral pattern...


Step 3:

Roll up spiral and use glue gun to secure.


Step 4:

Glue end of spiral to bottom of rosette...


You might notice that I used some two toned flowers. To achieve that look you just complete one rosette, like above and cut out another spiral (a little thicker) and start adding it to the completed one. Very simple. You can also cut out felt leaves if you want and add them, but I chose not to.

I think I will make one for every season:)


I've been busy!

I have been a bad blogger lately and I am here to try to make it better! 
This weekend I am throwing a baby shower on Saturday and a going away party on Sunday for my cousin who is leaving for China. 

As far as our house projects go, we have made progress on our pallet sectional, but it is not yet complete. We have decided to wrap the pallets in a mosaic of 2 by 4's to give it a much more cohesive look. My Dad is spending the week with us in order to compete in a golf tournament and he is bringing some of his tools to help us finish it off.

I am sad to report that my brothers dog, Dexter, decided that our baseboards tasted yummy. Which then lead him to my faux board & batten... I still don't know how he got through 4 coats of paint, 3 nails and liquid nails, but somehow he was able to rip off a piece of lattice wood. So that needs to be fixed before Sunday!

I have also been busy going to interviews and a couple "field days" where I get to shadow a current employee. I am hoping to hear back from one company today and I am praying for good news:)

Here are some of my favorite pinterest pics from the week.


Sarah Richardson

Stamped concrete!

I will be making a couple of these!

If you like these images, feel free to follow me on Pinterest