
I've Moved!

I've Moved.

Please click here to visit my new blog.


Nursery Design

Nursery design up on the blog today. Come check it out!

Reminder, all content associated with Shoestring Sophistication will be removed soon. If you would like to continue following, please visit my new site, Bobi Law Designs.


New Blog Launch!

 A little background behind my decision to switch things up...

 When I was asked as a child, "What do you want to be when you grow up", I, for as long as I can remember answered "interior designer". It might be in my blood, as my Dad is an architect. I remember being really upset when I found out that the college I was signed to play volleyball at, did not offer any interior design courses. If I could go back in time, I would. But I can't....so I am trying to do the next best thing. 

When I started this blog, I was busy tackling house projects in our home and decided it would be nice to document them. I had already fallen in love with several interior design and DIY blogs out there and was so inspired by all of those lovely ladies. After working in the corporate world for the last few years, I have come to realize the importance of balance in my life. Work does not make me happy. Design makes me happy. Which is why I have decided to open up an etsy shop to sell some of my creations. I have begun to stock up on beautiful fabrics and can't wait to get the shop open. 

This was more or less a branding decision for me. I was ready to take the plunge and chase my dream and I needed to get my name out there. I realize that many people think this is the "it" thing to do, but that is not why I am doing it. I am doing it for me. For fun. And for balance. I hope you will join me on this new adventure!

Thank you all for sticking with me during this transition.

Come join me at Bobi Law Designs!