
Fabric Pom Pom #1 Complete

I have always loved Martha Stewart's tissue paper pom poms (so much so that I used them as decor in my wedding!).

I incorporated them in this mood board that I threw together for my friends nursery and although she has gone in a different direction (pinks, browns, and birdies!) she still wanted to incorporate them in the room.

We are throwing a baby shower for her in June and I thought I would make some poms to use as decorations and then she could take them home to the nursery. Instead of using tissue paper, I figured I should probably make something a little more sturdy so that they will hold up.

I found a tutorial here.

However, they used much smaller lanterns in that tutorial than I did so I thought I would share with you some of the details.

Here is what you need for this project:

- Paper lanterns (pack of 3 at Party City was $4.99)
- 2 yards of fabric for each pom pom (that's a lot, I know!)
- Hot glue gun
- Something round to trace your circles. I used a margarita glass that was about 4.5 inches in diameter.
- Pencil
- Scissors

Step 1:

Decide what size circles you need for the size of lantern you are using. I used 4.5 inch circles. And cut them ALL out. (doubling over your fabric so you can cut 2 circles makes it go much faster!)

Step 2: 

Fold your circle in half...

Place a dot of hot glue in the center and pinch it closed...

Place another glob of hot glue on the pinched petal and attach to your lantern...

Repeat until your lantern is covered.

Attach a pretty ribbon and ta daaaa!

Fabric Pom Pom

Now, I just need to get more fabric to make the other two!


We decided to make 5 poms and here is the finished product...


  1. Hey girl! great mood board, baby but very NON baby, chic and sophisticated but sweet for the babycakes too....I used the poms for my baby girl's first birthday 2 mo ago, and then promptly moved them right into her nursery...heres a pic for you....keep it up! xoxo Shelli

  2. I love the poms. I was just curious what size paper lantern did you use? and about how big did the finished product turn out to be.

  3. I'm currently working on some for my wedding but it's not looking as nice as yours. How close are you supposed to glue the fabric? I feel like mine is too close so they don't open up or if I spread then out I can see the lantern. Please help!!

  4. Amy,

    It is nearly impossible to close all the gaps unless you starting actually gluing the "petals" together. I just covered my whole lantern as well as I could and then went back through and cinched the petals together to help close up some of the open areas. Does that make sense? I hope so. Let me know if you have any other questions:)


  5. Bobi
    I am in love with this mood board! Do you know where you can find the fabrics that you show in the mood board?


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