
Bedroom Progress

I have made SOME progress on the Master Bedroom. I really do mean SOME, because right now I am just working with what I've got. I have much bigger plans to change the space and make it much more relaxing with new prints and patterns. From what I started with, it has already made a pretty big transformation...

And then it made it to this...

You can still see the ugly oak trim everywhere and the very poor decision I made with the "mirrored headboard". Sometimes, it just doesn't work and this was one of those times!

After a lot of priming, painting, and spackling, I now have this space...

The white trim helps a lot, but it still needs some serious work. I have big plans for this space, but it just comes down to how much money I have to work with so it will come together slowly. 

I cannot get this fabric out of my mind and I am determined to use it for drapes, but even when it is 50% off at Joanns, it is still $24.99/yard. I would need 6 yards for the drapes and then I would have to make them...I think I'll wait for them to go on clearance! 

This coloring is a little off, the background is more white than that, here is a better picture of some pillows made out of this fabric.

It would be just beautiful. I recently started to contemplate whether I might like to buy store bought drapes (solid color) and then add a panel of this fabric to the top, bottom, both, edges, just somewhere. That would save me some money, but I don't know if I want to go cheap on these. I love this fabric so much I want to use as much as I can.

Another problem I have encountered is the bedding for this space. I know most people would go with a crisp white or neutral bedding, but with two giant dogs who sleep on the bed, one white and one black, I just don't know how practical that is. 

Here are some that I like (some practical, some not).

I hope to make some more progress on this room soon. It kills me to sleep in an unfinished space every night:(


  1. Wow, I love that fabric. The room already looks so much nicer. I can't wait to see what else you will be changing in it.

  2. You've definitely made a huge improvement to the space with what you've done so far. Can't wait to see more pics as you add more elements to it! That dresser is absolutely gorgeous btw.

  3. I love it! We also have a blue paint color in our master BR!

  4. I love what you've done with your room so far! You have a fabulous sense of style and great ideas! Can't wait to see more :)

  5. Wow, I freakin love that fabric. LOVELY.

  6. I'm currently obsessed with a Waverly fabric from Joann's that is the same pattern but grey with bits of yellow. I think I'm going to get it and recover a chair with it and maybe make a couple of pillows!

  7. Where did you get that sweet dresser with the circles in it??

  8. The dresser is from Nebraska Furniture Mart and is actually considered a children's piece. Hence the brand, Forever Young. Hope that helps:)


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