
Summer in Pictures:)

I thought I would give you the inside scoop on what I've been up to so far this summer. What better way to do that than with lots of pictures:)

First up, my crazy pups!

Miss Molly and her beloved tennis ball:)

She decided to "do races" in the backyard after I mowed the lawn and came in with green paws to take a nap:)

Next stop, Grand Lake (in OK) lake house with the in-laws...

Tornado Damage at the lake. It was the same storm system as the Joplin, MO tornado, but not the same tornado.

1 year anniversary...

Can you believe it?! We got approximately 2 pictures on our one year anniversary and in one of them I was too busy eating my ice cream. Those who know me wouldn't be surprised:)

Sister In-Laws Graduation
(Yes, I am wearing the same dress as above!)

And I couldn't do a picture post without some of the most precious baby on earth, my niece Macy!

Look at those lips!

Cross-eyed babies are pretty darn cute:)

Her first trip to the park!

And those are the highlights so far...hopefully I will have some exciting new to share with you all very soon (relating to a new business endeavor, no babies!).

Hope you are having a great day:)


  1. Did you get the job?!

    And is that a labordoodle!?

  2. No job:( And she is a goldendoodle! A handful, too!

  3. We have goldendoodles too! Do you ever go to any KC dog parks? Would love to have you and your Molly and our Ollie for a playdate! They look almost identical and about the same size! :)

  4. I just got a goldendoodle!! That's so awesome that you both have one too!
    Sorry about the job :(

  5. Awww glad your summer is off to such a good start!! We went to the lake this week and talk about relaxing--well, while we weren't tubing, skiing and wakeboarding, haha!


  6. Great pics of the niece and puppies. I must say, your hair is amazing!!! I am glad you are enjoying your summer.


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