
Versatile Blogger Award Recipient!

How sweet! Lindsay, over at Southern Lovely just awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. I am not sure that I deserve it, but am so honored and appreciative. Thank you, Lindsay:)

If you haven't checked out her blog before, I suggest you do. In her short time blogging she has accomplished so many great projects!

For these awards, the blogger must:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award &
link back to their site in your original post.
2. Tell us seven things about yourself.
3. Pass along the award to five newly discovered bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

A little about me--

1. I have played volleyball since 7th grade. Was first team all state in Kansas my senior year in high school and went on to play in college at a DII school. I continue to play to this day with some of my great friends on a women's league!

2. I started dating my husband when I was 15, obviously we have been together ever since!

3. If I could convince my husband to move away from Jayhawk Country, I would LOVE to live in Florida, Arizona or even Texas. Somewhere where it is ALWAYS warm!

4. My dream job would be to be an interior designer! I want to go back to school so bad. (I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth, but that Finance degree is pretty useless right now!)

5. I am 5'10", my brothers are 6'5" and 6'1" and my sister is only 5'5".

6. When I am bored, I search through fabric stores online. Just for fun!

7. When I was born, my hair was so blonde it was white. Now it is very, very, brown!
Now it's my turn to pass along the award to a few of my favorite new blogs. So here you go--check them out, you will definitely be inspired!

(in no particular order)



  1. Congrats! You really do have a great blog here, I have learned so much from you.


I always love to hear from you:)