
Sleek & Simple: Acrylic Furniture (& an Announcement)

I love this trend. Honestly, I can't get enough of it. I don't know that there is a more versatile piece of furniture. You want a glamorous space? Or modern? Traditional or eclectic? Acrylic furniture will work it's magic in any of these spaces. Check them out below.

Pictures via Pinterest
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Simple. Sleek. Beautiful.

It's amazing how many acrylic pieces are out there right now. From barstools, to tables, and even accessories. Below are some of my favorite, affordable pieces.

As some of you might know, I have been on the hunt for a coffee table and have contemplated using a sleek acrylic piece. While I was searching for pieces to include in this post, I stumbled across what might be my favorite acrylic piece...ever! Unfortunately, it couldn't be included in the affordable finds above. But it is beautiful, nonetheless.

Stunning, right? 

On another note, I will be changing my blog to a new address soon. If you would like to continue to follow me, please head over to Bobi Law Designs and add the site to your reader. I will keep this site up temporarily, but will eventually blog solely from the new site. Thanks:)

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