
Pretty Storage Solution

The title sums up my dilemma in the living room. I have been on the hunt for a storage solution (a pretty one) to act as a TV "stand". We have been living with a $20 Craig's list purchase since we moved over three years ago, and it was time to upgrade.

I originally fell in love with this piece at Homegoods...

At my store it was atcually marked down to $299 because it had a damaged corner. I told my husband I was willing to live with it, but he didn't go for it. It was there for weeks. Just haunting me! I saw it probably six different times and finally, one day during my lunch break I drove furiously to the store and told myself that if it was still there, I was going to snatch it up. But guess what?? It was gone. Boo.

I was pretty heartbroken. I may have cried...well, inside. I cried inside a lot!

Most would say that I am a pretty good bargain shopper...so, I put my bargain shopping shoes on and went on my way.

I searched all over Craig's list looking for a piece I could redo. You know, those dresser turned TV stands? I really liked the idea and have seen some really good transformations, but alas, I decided I was ready to fork up some money to get a longer lasting piece.

And then..............

I found this!

You can find it here. It is listed at $669.99, but with a coupon code I can receive $75 off, for a grand total of $594! And the best part is, my husband agreed I could get the thing:)

We are going to go look at it in person this weekend and if all goes well, it will have a permanent home in my living room.

I think I've thought up a solution to hide my cable box on top of the credenza, but will still allow for easy use. More to come on that!

PS - I've got some fun DIY projects coming your way! Sneak peaks are always available on instagram:) Follow me @bobilaw.


  1. Such a cute piece! I've been on the hunt for something similar but much narrower for months with no luck.
    I requested to follow you on instagram too (@LizzieBomBizzie)


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